Sunday, November 4, 2007

I Care, Do You?

Thanks to Elle, a friend of Iman's, I had the opportunity to watch Zeitgeist [tsahyt-gahyst]. It's a German word defined as "the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time". The movie had me thinking as to just how much of an influence religion and the media have over the shaping of our lives. In the 21st century, one has to wonder exactly what an "individual" is. Well yeah, we're all shaped through everything around us, but then again, how many of us are shaped through the knowledge of questioning and reason than through faith in belief. How many of us have experienced through understanding and research than being bought in because it sounds true, which is very true of the media. Most influences happen through the subconscious mind and it feeds its way through your conscious thoughts. Now I'm not saying this movie is without its inaccuracies or propagandistic views, but what research is absolute in its certainty? What opposition fights without an equal opposing view? Watch it to question, not find answers.

After watching that, you might also want to watch A World Without Water, a documentary on how water, one of the most basic needs, is being handled as a commodity by the World Bank through privatization, and its impact on the 3rd world countries that are in water crisis. When the concept of profit is introduced to providing a source of life, then you know something is wrong with this world. It's funny how water is abundant yet scarce at the same time. Most of us have it so easy, by the turning of a faucet, we get to fill our water balloons. Take a minute to realise how lucky you really are. Next time when you're brushing your teeth and you leave the tap open, just remember....somewhere in the world, there's a mother walking a few miles just to fetch water for her child, who will probably die the next week because it was contaminated. Please save water.

Image © Pierre Holtz | UNICEF


Anonymous said...

Haha...indeed so you mentioned me...YAY. thnx

Shah said...

Lol...told ya!