Saturday, December 1, 2007

Call Me Jason Bourne

I finally found a girl I can drool over after ages! MARY ELIZABETH WINSTEAD! OH-MY-GOD! I saw her in Sky High first and didn't really notice anything, Final Destination 3 really got my attention, and then I saw her in Die Hard 4.0 and my hormones went crazy! And now I've just watched Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof and she was in it, with the cheerleader outfit and all! :o She can act too...well she ain't Meryl Streep, but she can act! ;) Ok I'm gonna try really hard not to think of MARY ELIZABETH WINSTEAD..*passes out*......................................................

Hey! There's this damn baby cockroach that keeps coming out of my sink every goddamn 5 minutes! So I bought all three soundtracks by John Powell from the Bourne Trilogy and let me tell you that it has some of the best compositions ever done for a spy thriller! I can't stop listening to it while eating, studying, sleeping...which is pretty much all I do. Oh yeah and Facebooking. Haha. :p Is it just me or is Jason Bourne the coolest guy name ever? I'm gonna call myself that from now on, and you should too! I don't like my name...I mean come on! Shah?!?! :p Matt Damon was perfect for the Bourne movies...too bad it's over. :(

Yeah! 24 more days to Christmas! WOOT! I still go bonkers over Christmas specials on TV, haha. Damn equator! I wish it would snow in Malaysia at LEAST once! I've never experienced snow..*sniff*. :( I need to leave this country and go exploring! I can't stand being in one place...and I've been at home for 3 months now! GAWD! :o I remember making snowballs by scraping the inside of my freezer for first snowball when I was seven :)

This is her! Wow! I think I have a serious something for this look. If you have this look...012-2152786 <-- CALL ME! NOW! ;)

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